الأحد، تشرين الثاني ١٦، ٢٠٠٨

What are benefits of the Waterlase® ?

  • The Waterlase® significantly improves patients' comfort in the dentist's chair: 98.5% of patients treated with the Waterlase™ system reported no discomfort during the procedure in a randomized, double-blind clinical trial conducted at the University of the Pacific.

  • Because it does not cause heat or vibration in the mouth, Waterlase® may ease the pain and anxiety of patients who fear the vibration and high-pitched whine of traditional drills. In contrast, the Waterlase® makes a gentle "tapping" noise.

  • Waterlase® uses a cool-water spray to cut teeth without generating heat. Conventional drills and lasers can overheat teeth during procedures, inducing discomfort and irreversibly damaging the soft tissue or pulp underneath.

How does Waterlase® work?

  • The Waterlase® system uses laser-energized water to cut teeth.

  • The Waterlase® emits a laser beam that energizes a highly precise spray of air and water.

  • Water droplets absorb the laser energy and become laser-energized water particles that, when directed at the tooth, rapidly remove enamel, dentin and decay/caries.


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